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- */
- /* Layout Gadget Example.
- * In this example we will NOT use window.class - just to show it is possible.
- * Note, we do *NOT* recommend this. Window.class offers automatic prefs refresh,
- * and support for window backfills, iconification and keyboard control!
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <intuition/icclass.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
- #include <graphics/text.h>
- #include <graphics/gfxmacros.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/diskfont.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- #include <classact.h>
- /*************************************************************************
- * Main Program
- */
- int main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- struct Screen *Scr = NULL;
- struct Window *Win = NULL;
- struct Gadget *gParent = NULL;
- if (!ButtonBase)
- return(20);
- if(argc > 1)
- Scr = LockPubScreen(argv[1]);
- else
- Scr = LockPubScreen("Workbench");
- if (Scr == NULL)
- {
- /* Shut down, no screen lock
- */
- Printf("Failed locking public screen.\n");
- return(5);
- }
- /* In this example we will create the layout group before opening
- * the window, and size the window to the minimum layout size
- * returned by the LayoutLimits() function, then SetGadgetAttr()
- * will be used to cause the GREL layout group to resize with the window.
- */
- gParent = VGroupObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, TRUE,
- LAYOUT_DeferLayout, TRUE, /* this tag instructs layout.gadget to
- * defer GM_LAYOUT and GM_RENDER and ask
- * the application to do them. This
- * lessens the load on input.device
- */
- LAYOUT_AddChild, HGroupObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, FALSE,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, HGroupObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, TRUE,
- /* the first group is three label-less buttons
- * side by side
- */
- LAYOUT_Label, "Horizontal",
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, VGroupObject,
- LAYOUT_SpaceOuter, TRUE,
- /* the second group is three label-less buttons
- * in a vertical group
- */
- LAYOUT_Label, "Vertical",
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, HGroupObject,
- /* four buttons of varying widths */
- LAYOUT_Label, "Free, Fixed and Weighted sizes.",
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "25Kg",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 25,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "50Kg",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 50,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "75Kg",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 75,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "100Kg",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 100,
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedHeight,0,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, HGroupObject,
- /* four buttons sized in another way */
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "Free",
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "Fixed",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 0,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "Free",
- End,
- LAYOUT_AddChild, ButtonObject,
- GA_Text, "Fixed",
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedWidth, 0,
- End,
- CHILD_WeightedHeight,0,
- CHILD_MinWidth, 300,
- End;
- if (gParent)
- {
- struct LayoutLimits Limits;
- struct TextFont *font = OpenFont( Scr->Font );
- /* Query parent layout group for min/max layout limits. */
- LayoutLimits( gParent, &Limits, font, Scr );
- CloseFont( font );
- if (Win = OpenWindowTags(NULL,
- WA_Top, 20,
- WA_Left, 20,
- WA_InnerWidth, Limits.MinWidth, /* open the window at the minimum */
- WA_InnerHeight, Limits.MinHeight, /* size in which the layout fits */
- WA_NoCareRefresh, TRUE, /* only BOOPSI here, no need for separate refreshing */
- WA_PubScreen, Scr,
- WA_Title, "ClassAct layout.gadget Example",
- WA_ScreenTitle, "ClassAct Copyright 1995 Phantom Development LLC.",
- {
- ULONG wsig = 1L << Win->UserPort->mp_SigBit;
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- BOOL done = FALSE;
- WORD BorderWidth = Win->BorderLeft + Win->BorderRight;
- WORD BorderHeight = Win->BorderTop + Win->BorderBottom;
- /* set the window minimum and maximum size to the limits of the layout */
- WindowLimits(Win,
- Limits.MinWidth + BorderWidth,
- Limits.MinHeight + BorderHeight,
- Limits.MaxWidth + BorderWidth,
- Limits.MaxHeight + BorderHeight);
- /* make the layout group resize itself relative to window size */
- SetGadgetAttrs( gParent, NULL, NULL,
- GA_Top, Win->BorderTop,
- GA_Left, Win->BorderLeft,
- GA_RelWidth, -BorderWidth,
- GA_RelHeight, -BorderHeight,
- /* make the layout visible */
- AddGadget(Win, gParent, -1);
- RefreshGList(gParent, Win, NULL, 1);
- while (done == FALSE)
- {
- ULONG sig = Wait(wsig | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- if (sig & wsig)
- {
- while (msg = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg(Win->UserPort))
- {
- /* If you chooser to reply to the message before processing
- * it, remember that for IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE the IAddress
- * field points to a tag list that will get free'd on reply.
- *
- * Before replying, check if the message is IDCMPUPDATE
- * and CloneTagItems(msg->IAddress). Don't forget to
- * FreeTagItems() your cloned list after you have
- * processed it.
- */
- switch (msg->Class)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- {
- /* These are the deferred layout specific event
- * handlers. This is not as sophisticated as
- * window.class's internal logic, but it will suffice.
- */
- if (FindTagItem(LAYOUT_RequestRefresh,msg->IAddress))
- {
- /* Intuition attempted to refresh the window,
- * layout.gadget sent this message to the application.
- * We now do the refresh. This is done here because
- * refreshing a very complex layout could take some
- * time, and doing it in input.device context makes
- * the pointer jumpy.
- * RefreshWindowFrame() will refresh not only the
- * window border but also all gadgets.
- * RefreshGList(gParent, Win, NULL, 1);
- */
- RefreshWindowFrame( Win );
- break;
- }
- else if (FindTagItem(LAYOUT_RequestLayout,msg->IAddress))
- {
- /* GM_LAYOUT can be a slow operation, so we don't
- * want it to be done my input.device...
- */
- RethinkLayout(gParent, Win, NULL, FALSE );
- break;
- }
- else if (FindTagItem(LAYOUT_RelVerify,msg->IAddress))
- {
- /* LAYOUT_RelVerify matches an IDCMP_GADGETUP,
- * which is somewhat restricted because of
- * Intuition limitations....
- */
- switch ( GetTagData(GA_ID,0,msg->IAddress) )
- {
- default:
- done = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *) msg);
- }
- }
- else if (sig & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- {
- done = TRUE;
- }
- }
- RemoveGadget(Win, gParent);
- CloseWindow(Win);
- }
- /* Disposing a layout instance will automatically dispose
- * all the child objects.
- */
- DisposeObject(gParent);
- }
- UnlockPubScreen(0, Scr);
- exit(0);
- }